Our certifications

Customer satisfaction is a fundamental pillar of our organization, and we believe in achieving it through a quality service that meets the implicit and explicit expectations of the customer and its delivery within the expected timeframes without neglecting the improvement of the performance of our footprint on the environment.
The desire of the Management of ESP SOLUTIONS HOLDINGS, S.L. is to become recognized by all its employees, its customers and society in general, as a responsible company that respects its workers, its products and the environment in all its decisions and activities.
ESP SOLUTIONS HOLDINGS, S.L considers and declares the following as strategic objectives of its management:
- To achieve full customer satisfaction through strict compliance with agreed specifications and acquired commitments.
- To maintain a high level of quality and innovation within the framework of a permanent system of continuous improvement.
- To comply with the applicable legal regulations and other requirements that the organization subscribes to for all company activities related to quality, environmental management, sustainability and safety of the product transported by subcontractors.
- To achieve maximum awareness of the culture of quality and food safety and the promotion of the sustainability of our services, throughout the organization.
- To protect the environment.
- To raise awareness among staff about the importance of correctly managing the declared environmental aspects, and to try to minimize the generation of pollution as far as possible. waste.
- Establish and maintain an effective and efficient Integrated Quality and Environmental Management System, continued, planned and developed in conjunction with the rest of the Management functions.
- Carry out an appropriate selection of suppliers.
- Ensure that staff is fully familiar with the company’s objectives and policy through a staff preparation and training program at all levels of the company.
- Continuously improve our services and prevention of contamination.
- Promote the culture of quality and food safety in the organization.
ESP SOLUTIONS HOLDINGS, S.L., makes its customers a key element of the company, ensuring quality that meets their needs. To this end, our company has defined and established a quality improvement program based on a direct and ongoing relationship with the customer, which identifies needs and connects satisfaction measures with internal process controls.
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The ESP SOLUTIONS Group is committed to the security of the services provided to our clients and we strive to prevent security risks associated with our operations. To this end, the La Espada Group Management maintains the following strategic objectives in terms of security:
- Protect the transported goods of our clients using proven security protocols and advanced security systems, and notify within a maximum period of 24 hours in the event of incidents.
- Ensure the maintenance and review of security protocols and the technological mechanisms used.
- Immediately investigate the causes of incidents, knowing their causes and measures that minimize accidents.
- Promote a culture of security among drivers, regular transporters and other personnel that ensures improvement
- An organizational structure adapted to the security needs of our clients with the active participation of the areas of Drivers, Traffic, Integrated Management System (quality, environment and security), Maintenance and Control and Monitoring department.
- Internal procedures and standards that prevent and identify the guidelines and protocols of action of the staff, especially drivers, traffic and control and monitoring department for the safe performance of transport services.
- Specific training and awareness in security for workers, drivers and self-employed workers of the company.
- Physical and technological control mechanisms to prevent possible threats of theft, robbery or loss in vehicles, trucks and semi-trailers, incorporating the latest technologies adapted to the needs of the service performed.
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In accordance with its policy of continuous improvement, ESP SOLUTIONS HOLDING S.L. has a process of approval and evaluation of its suppliers, which we inform you about through this communication.
If your company is going to be a supplier of products and services to our organization for the first time, the requirements that will be evaluated for your APPROVAL will be informed to you through the request for documentation that is sent at the beginning of the contracting process for the first order/service. Sending the requested documentation is a requirement to be a supplier of our organization.
If your company is a supplier of ESP SOLUTIONS HOLDING S.L., we inform you that your service will be evaluated annually based on the number of incidents that we have recorded throughout the period. To do this, these incidents are scored based on the severity of the incident in relation to the number of services performed and based on the score obtained, the suppliers are classified as SUITABLE and NOT SUITABLE.
If the evaluation is satisfactory, your company will be classified as SUITABLE and no additional notification will be sent.
If the evaluation is not satisfactory (due to having numerous incidents with your product or service or incidents assessed as serious), ESP SOLUTIONS HOLDING S.L. will notify you that you have been found to be a NOT SUITABLE supplier and will inform you of the measures to be adopted. The organization may also block purchases from suppliers declared as UNSUITABLE without communicating anything to the affected supplier.
Likewise, in the event of relevant incidents or non-conformities with a supplier, this evaluation will be carried out in advance and the supplier may be declared UNSUITABLE without the established annual period having elapsed.
For any clarification or suggestion, do not hesitate to contact us through the email available on the website.
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Dear supplier or subcontractor,
The companies of the ESP SOLUTIONS HOLDING group have implemented a Quality and Environmental Management System, whose main objective is to provide a management tool that allows them to control the service provided, guaranteeing safety and health at work and acting on the environmental impacts produced, preventing pollution, protecting the environment, committing to obtain continuous improvement of their environmental behavior and with the client, offering an excellent opportunity to contribute to the preservation of our environment and satisfy the client.
From the management of the company we inform you of the obligation to comply with the applicable regulations and manage the waste you generate, provided that you are responsible for it.
We appreciate your common sense and collaboration.
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